
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Enjoying the 70's

We were able to enjoy lots of outdoor fun this weekend, especially since the weather was in the 70's today! Max tried the Jeep for the first time, and loved being a passenger. I'm sure the day will come soon enough where there are fights over who gets to drive. We enjoyed lunch on the deck (notice that Max seems to get more yogurt on his face than in his mouth...and don't let him fool you with the broccoli in his hand, that's as far as it got)! My friend brought over mini-ice creams cones the other day, so they were able to have their second one today. Max also likes mimicing Ginger and putting his face up to the glass. We also decided to cut some of our daffodills today before they got ruined by the storm...a very easy way to cheer up a house!

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