
Monday, May 28, 2012

Sad day

After the amazing weekend we had with the family, you can only imagine how shocked we were to find out on Tuesday, that Grandpa School had passed away.  To be at his funeral less than one week after we celebrated his birthday was such a shock.  The services went well, and to my surprise, I saw this beautiful basket of pansies from some friends/co-workers at the wake.  On the way home on Friday, we stopped at a drive-in called Mullin's in Fox Lake and had some ice cream.  We thought we would treat the kids for making it through the hard couple of days.  RIP, Grandpa School.  You will be missed, but we are thankful you are reunited with Grandma after all these years.

Grandpa and Grandma's 70th Wedding Anniversary

On Sunday, we celebrated Grandpa and Grandma's 70th wedding anniversary...WOW!!!!  My cousin Lisa even flew in from CA with her boys as a surprise!  Another wonderful celebration with our family.  President Obama even sent them a congratulations letter!  We also spent Sat. night at their house, and Max was proud to teach them games on the ipad!  We are very blessed!

Grandpa's Birthday

Sat., May 19th was Jesse's Birthday, and Grandpa School's 89th birthday.  We had a birthday party for Grandpa at his place, and enjoyed some fun inside and out!  It was great getting together with the family and Grandpa even mentioned what a great party it was!  Later that evening, Jesse and I had a night out with some cousins and their significant others to celebrate his birthday!

Macy's Spring Recital

Macy had her spring recital at sad that our video camera didn't work :(  She did a wonderful job, and was excited for us all to do the chicken dance with her!  Uncle Jeremy even brought her a corsage before her big night!  She also loved that she performed with her friends, Alayna and Kaijia, who are in the other day of preschool.  Max is ready for next year!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mother's Day!

Although I worked at Kohl's on Mother's Day, we enjoyed the beautiful day by packing a picnic and playing art Nishan Park.  I thought it was funny that our crew took up the entire swing set!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dance Recital

We were so excited for dance this year, now that both girls were in it!  They LOVED getting their hair and make-up done and having fun with everyone off stage.  They were super cute on stage, too!  The pictures didn't turn out great, but if you are on FB, check there as my friend was posting some for me as well :)

Look familiar?

              Look familiar?  I have pictures of all of my kids when they started to get into the dog dish and our dishwasher!  Working in the kitchen is not the same now that I have to watch my step to make sure Matthew hasn't scooted his way behind me!
               I also added a picture of the kids today waiting for the mail carrier.  It was "stamp out hunger" day, and we were giving some food to support the good cause!

Phy. Ed class

Madison had a parent day in physical education class a couple of weeks ago.  The students showed us some of their "poses, moves, and exercises" that they have been working on all year.  We also got to join the class to dance a few songs.  Macy and Max enjoyed it, too!