It is Sat., the 25th, my sister's birthday! I have been having pretty steady contractions...could be the day! We took some last minute belly/baby shots that we wanted to share. Hopefully, we'll have more news to come shortly!!! My official due date is tomorrow, so we'll see what happens! Wish us luck!
Kari and Jesse,
I am super excited for you two!!! I have been checking on here several times a day anxiously awaiting some exciting news! I am hoping to come back to WI in August and hopefully you will be around so I can come visit you and the girls and new baby. I am in NC visiting Stacy who is also awaiting her little boy's arrival....hopefully while I am still here, I fly home on August 4th.
I wish you a safe and healthy delivery, and can't wait to see the new Monte addition :)
Lots of love and miss all of you!!
Cute pictures!!! Now come out come out Baby Monte!!
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