Macy loves cottage cheese, just like her big sis. We usually feed her out of convenience, and not wanting too big of a mess. We also realize that we need to let her start eating by herself...or trying to! She took the first spoonful really well, and then started to dip the wrong side in. I posted some after pics, where there was more cottage cheese on Macy, then in her mouth!
We are going to go bankrupt buying shoes for our girls through the years! Maddie has always been into shoes, trying them on, walking around in them, and Macy started now, too! She put my flip-flop on and started running! How funny. I also downloaded a video of Macy blowing kisses. It is sideways and dark(sorry), but at the end you can hear how she sounds when blowing kisses. I practiced with her the other night, and Robin said she was blowing kisses to everyone yesterday when leaving Pizza Hut. It was so nice to be home today, after being gone the last four weekends. We got sooooooo much stuff done around the house. Tomorrow we are off to the Kalahari to play with some friends at the waterpark. Have a great week everyone!
We spent last weekend in Milwaukee for a wedding. When we left Sunday morning, we couldn't find Macy's tiger blanket. We searched everywhere in the car, and even went back to my parent's apartment for the second time, and could not find it anywhere! That night, my dad happened to look in one of the toy boxes, and it was buried under some toys. I was so upset because I had thought to look in one of the other toy boxes, but not that one in particular! Anyways, my mom sent in back in the mail, and we just got it today. THANK GOODNESS!!!! Macy has had a rough couple days of sleeping. She did fine last night, but than napped very poorly today. We're hoping that getting the blanket back will be the cure! The way she looked when she got it back was priceless. I stopped filming after a bit, but she carried on like that for some time. In fact, I don't think she will let go of her blanket today!!! Thanks Bumpa for finding it, and Nana for sending it!