
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Macy - 8 months and active

What can we say?!?!? We always thought of Madison as the active one, but Macy is proving us wrong! I wouldn't be shocked if she was walking by 9 months! The same day she started crawling all over, she started to pull herself up. Now, she "run" crawls, and pulls herself up, and has even taken a step between the table and chair. The sitter said she let go the other day and stood up solo for a little. I forget how much easier it is when they stay in one spot! There is a picture of her trying to get to Ginger's dog bowl, and pulling herself up to the table to get the remote control. She enjoys eating her teething biscuits. She also gets very tired with all of this work, and she even fell asleep while sitting up! Look out world, here comes Macy Mae!

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