Jesse and I were able to take the boys to the Reedsburg Beavers girls basketball game at the Kohl Center. My Uncle Randy was able to get us tickets in the box, which was very nice with the kids. We didn't realize we'd have the whole box to ourselves! The boys enjoyed watching Super Why on the tv in the box, and also loved the action in the seats. Although the girls lost, it was an amazing day. We are so proud of the girls and their season! Max LOVED being the little beaver at the game, and got lots of attention! :)
Friday, March 23, 2012
Reedsburg Beaver's Basketball Game
Jesse and I were able to take the boys to the Reedsburg Beavers girls basketball game at the Kohl Center. My Uncle Randy was able to get us tickets in the box, which was very nice with the kids. We didn't realize we'd have the whole box to ourselves! The boys enjoyed watching Super Why on the tv in the box, and also loved the action in the seats. Although the girls lost, it was an amazing day. We are so proud of the girls and their season! Max LOVED being the little beaver at the game, and got lots of attention! :)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Picnics on the decks and family walks
This Wisconsin weather has been unbelievable! I kept thinking that it was only going to be a day or two, and it surprised us for weeks! We are definitely enjoying it, as we don't know if it is truly here to stay! The kids have loved eating outside on the deck again. We have also started up our family walks again, and have been making it down to our favorite spot...the bridge to throw grass over into the river. Jesse took out the baby backpack and Matthew enjoyed it so much, he ended up asleep in it! We are in for so much fun this summer, we all cannot wait!!!!!
Emma's Birthday and St. Patrick's Day
Last Saturday we had the pleasure of celebrating Emma's birthday! It was a special treat that Bumpa and Nana were there, we got to stop and have dinner with the Pettineo family on the way home, the Brillion boys basketball won state, and the Reedsburg girls basketball team won their game to also go to state! Besides getting a flat tire, it was such a wonderful day! Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!
First Big Boy Bath!
Matthew has "graduated" out of the baby tub, and enjoys baths in the big tub. He splashes a lot and watches his big brother. He still loves his jumperoo, and we're enjoying it while he is still not mobile. Things will change soon enough when he figures out to move on his own :)
Uncle Jeremy has been stopping by since he has come to town. The kids have LOVED having him around. Max even got some one-on-one book time!
Family Zumba
We had a wonderful Sat. morning on the 10th. Madison helped Jesse make pancakes and sausage for breakfast. We then went to Family Zumba at the library and had a blast! It took Max a little while to warm up to dancing, but once he got into it, he was unstoppable like the girls! Of course, the healthy snack served afterwards was a great incentive to keep going! We're thinking of a family zumba class that may be offered in the future!
The weather started warming up, so we were enjoying playing outdoors. The kids got fishing poles from Grandpa Monte, and they enjoy "pretending" to fish outside!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Fond du Lac
The last weekend in February was our annual family weekend at the Fond du Lac Holiday Inn. Matthew enjoyed some play time with his cousin Riley...they are only 3 weeks apart, and she is much bigger than him! Bumpa spent lots of time in the water with Lauren, Katelyn, Madison, and Macy. Max wasn't much about the water for some reason, and Matthew preferred to watch, but at least Bumpa had him trying and he was kicking a little! The 5 cousins also enjoyed some down time laying on the big bed. They all get along so well together. Always a good time had by all!
Maxi Taxi
Max will often introduce himself as "Maxi Taxi." He is such a clown and so much fun to be around. Although he is picking up a lot from his sisters (not all good either), he has been such a good boy. He loves his trains and cars, and to sit on Ginger. Poor Ginger! She is such a good sport and will normally just sit there. And, if she doesn't feel like having a 35 pound 2 1/2 year old on top of her, she will slowly get up and move! Max is a pretty messy eater, especially when it comes to cupcakes like the one he had at a party Sat. If there was one thing to be thankful for from the flu, Max became potty trained! It seemed to just click, and he has been dry for almost a week! We are so proud of him, and he looks sooo cute in his big boy underwear!
Last weekend, Macy ended up falling asleep right on the floor in the living room, and Ginger gladly plopped down near her.
6 years old
Madison celebrated her 6th birthday on Feb. 22. I remembered to take a picture right before she went to bed. We enjoyed a nice meal out at her favorite place, the Italian place in town, Calabria's. We also played family game night on the wii, per her request. Madison is doing well at school. She absolutely loves it, is very smart, and learning a lot, while having fun. She is such a great help around the house as well. She enjoyed helping Daddy make the pancake mix last weekend. The kids also were really cute playing a new computer game together.
More fun with Matthew
Matthew has been getting more and more fun lately! He loves playing with his siblings, and they LOVE him so much! Many mornings the kids go in and talk to Matthew when he wakes up while I finish getting ready. This has been such a lifesaver for our crazy mornings! Matthew wasn't quite sure about the princess hat...something that Max loves to have on :) Macy wanted to pretend that Matthew was holding her like a baby, which was a pretty funny sight. Matthew has been eating more and more. He loves eating bananas in the mesh holder, and has started to eat crackers. They are very messy, but keeps him occupied.
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