
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our "big" little guy

Our big guy had his 2 month appt. today. He is already 14 pounds 4 ounces, and 23 1/2 inches long! He is about 90% for weight, 80% for height. He has been smiling and talking more, and crabbing more along with that (usually when he is tired). I think he looks a lot like me when he's wearing the brewer cap! It is the hair that throws me off since I was bald until 3 years of age! He has been sleeping from 7-8ish until 3-4ish in the morning, so that will hopefully help transitioning back to work next Monday. It has been a great 9 weeks with the whole family! Wish we had more at home time...thank goodness for some upcoming breaks from school!


My good friend Amy from college and her family came and spent the night last Saturday. The kids had a blast playing together, and the adults enjoyed the hour of quiet after they all got to bed :) They brought us salsa, spaghetti sauce, green beans, and apricots that they canned from their garden. We've been enjoying them throughout the week. Madison loved the sauce! Come visit us again soon!

Macy Doctor

This is a pic of Macy with her stickers after her 2 year old appt. Too bad she wasn't that happy there! She loved the nemo stickers, though. She was 27 1/2 pounds and 34 1/2 inches long, all within the 60-70th percentile. He was impressed with her talking!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Badger Fan

Max was very happy during the Badger game yesterday. He liked wearing the red and white, I guess! I took a little video of his talking and smiling. Enjoy! (almost 8 weeks old already)

Macy Swim Lessons

Macy had her first swimming lessons yesterday. She enjoyed her swim lessons so much! She had a big smile on her face the whole time. She'll be ready for lessons on her own in a short while. On the short drive there, the girls like to pretend it is a ride...the road is very hilly and curvey, so when we go fast, we say put your hands up! Doesn't Madison look gigantic!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Aquarium - MOA

Before we left town on Tues., we enjoyed the Aquarium at the Mall of America. They had a big tunnel that was called, Shark Cove. Madison was more interested in the floor moving on its own, so we had to constantly tell her to look up and see all the sea creatures! Macy's favorite part was the Nemo fish tank replica. She would've stayed there all day staring in! They also enjoyed the part where they could touch all different things, and there was a little pretend play area they liked hanging around. Max did very well all day long...what a trooper!

Mall of America

We ate at the Rainforest Cafe (Madison wanted to go back there again tonight), enjoyed cruising around the Mall, visited the American Girl doll store (got some christmas presents, and they each picked out a new outfit for their bitty babies), and Macy got to see "her store!"

Rides at MOA

The girls loved going on the rides in the Mall of America. It is called Nickelodeon Universe, so they especially loved the Diego adventure ride, the Swiper car ride (they went pretty fast - Madison seemed a little unsure the first go around, then had a huge smile on her face), and the Blues Clues ride. Macy would have hung around Dora all day if she could have!

Lego land - MOA

After staying with Mark and Rachel, we headed to the Mall of America. The girls loved playing at lego land. We could have stayed there for another hour or two and they would have still been building! Mommy and Daddy enjoyed playing as well!

The McConnell's

We headed to Rochester, MN, on Sunday to stay with our dear friends, Mark and Rachel. We enjoyed seeing their new house, and playing with them. They live in a beautiful subdivision and had a park right across the street! It was great to see them and we're looking forward to meeting their new little baby the end of January!

Sacred Heart Fair

On Sunday, our parish held its annual fair. We had limited time but took the girls up to check it out. We met our friends there and all the girls enjoyed the kids games. They had the infamous fish pond, the ducks in a pond, throw the balls into the buckets, and Macy's favorite, pull the sucker out and look at the color on the end. Every time we turned around, Macy was over there pulling out another sucker!!! I probably returned 3 or more suckers that were not paid for. They also got their faces painted, and Madison and Madelyn rode on the gator! Madison was in the red badger one, and Madelyn in the very first yellow one. There was also a clown that the girls watched for a little bit. A very fun time and we're looking forward to it again next year!

Fish book

I had to post this picture of Max wearing an outfit that matched Dr. Suess' fish book.

More celebrating

We had our good friends over to celebrate Macy's birthday with them. Upon entering, Madison yelled, "Come on in Madelyn, take off your clothes!" She had brought down all of her gymnastics and dance clothes down to the living room. So, all the girls (except Alayna) had on gymnastics outfits for singing. They are too funny!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Macy has been working on puzzles for awhile with her big sis. She got a new superwhy puzzle from us for her birthday, and put it together today all by herself!!!! She was so cute while doing it, and when she finished, she looked at us and shouted, "I DID IT!!!!" How cute and very neat because it is a 24 piece puzzle!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 and frown

Just some cute pics from yesturday. He was so smiley, frowned with his sunglasses on, and fell asleep on the chair sideways! They really can sleep anywhere! Gotta love the hair!

Monday, September 7, 2009

The new look...

This was the look of the day. Macy is sporting my old leotard and Max's new sunglasses, while Madison is trying the tres chic dancer look. I love that they have been playing so well together!

Macy's Second Birthday Party!

We celebrated Macy's Birthday with her cousin Ethan and grandparents/great-grandparents at Chad and Sabrina's house. The kids were very sweet together, and by the end of the evening, were dancing all over the living room. It was nice to have a smaller party and get some quality time with the grandparents. Macy loved her shirt from Bumpa and Nana, she immediately stood up to take her shirt off! She also pottyed first thing in the morning and one time at their house. We made a big deal and were super excited, but it is still a very slow process. The cake was hilarious. Macy knew how to blow the candles out, but wasn't getting close enough to get them, while Ethan was getting way too close! They had a great time. Chad was inspecting the baby we bought for Ethan. He took it better than I thought, but I figure, he is going to be a big brother in April and needs to practice! Great-Grandpa and Grandma got to meet Max for the first time. I think he looks a lot like them! I can't believe Macy and Ethan are already 2! We love you both so much!

Madison's First Day of Preschool!

Here is Madison coming out of the van on her first day of preschool! Such a big girl! I had an outfit picked out for her, and she came down dressed in this. She picked it out and put it on all by herself! Last Weds. was just an open house where parents stayed with the kids. Friday was her first official day, and she could have cared less when I left. It was much more difficult getting Macy out of there! She kept taking her coat off so she could play, too! I was happy to be on maternity leave to take her the first day/month!